It's been almost a week on the 3 pills Depakote dosage. We've had some ups and downs, but the downs seem less extreme and more brief. Last night Pajama Monster smeared poo again, but it was about 3 tiny fingerprint spots on his floor, one small streak on the wall, and a handfull of little fingerprint spots on the window. Normally these incidents are epic and require at least an hour of carpet shampooing and wall scrubbing and window cleaning etc. I'm not thrilled that it's happening at all, but this is MUCH better. I'd also found 2 tiny poo marks on one of his outlets earlier in the week, but other than that he hasn't had any poo incidents in almost a week. We had an incident on the bus with Pajama Monster refusing to sit in his seat, but he wasn't violent and it sounded like he was just trying to sit in a different seat. The busdriver informed me that if she has to get the teacher for help again Pajama Monster will no longer be allowed to ride the bus, but as we walk to school in the mornings anyway, that would just be an excuse for me to get a little more exercise. On the list of things I'm stressing about, walking 1/4 mile in the sunshine with my kids for the next 6 weeks doesn't even register.
Apart from the decreased violence and the crying over things (which I think may be part of Pajama Monster or Adderall and not Depakote related) Pajama monster has been feeling like a normal 4 year old boy at times. Right now he's playing with the stacking cups with his sister on the kitchen floor. The strange thing is, he's been playing with her for almost an hour. Normally they'll play for about 5 minutes and then the screaming and bullying will start. In short, he doesn't seem sedated or flattened or numbed or zombied or any of the other things I was afraid of. When he's not acting out in his old ways, which he's been doing much less over the last week, he just feels like a very bright, funny, creative and loving little boy. Welcome back, Pajama Monster, please stay!
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