I should probably fess up that in addition to all that is going on with my Pajama Monster and Baby Peep, I'm also slowly changing into a crunchy granola Mommy. I live on the West coast, so that's not terribly surprising. I belong to attachment parenting groups and am surrounded by organic eating, cloth diapering, baby wearing, extended nursing mommies. I'm also a cloth diapering, baby wearing, extended nursing mommy, but I've found that I have to do some things differently. I believe that the heart of attachment parenting is listening to your child and trying to meet their individual needs.
What I believe it is NOT, and what I sometimes see it twisted into, is a rigid set of rules for how to treat every child. For example: I believe that baby wearing is a great idea. I use a moby and a ring sling and love them both. My son loved to be worn and spent a huge amount of his time happily watching the world while nestled on my chest. Baby Peep, however, hates it. I've tried carriers, slings, wraps, etc. She hates it. From the time she was a couple months old she has wanted to explore and return for snuggles on her own terms. I believe that an AP mommy respects personal baby preferences like this and doesn't force the issue just because it's AP to babywear.
That being said, I belong to a wonderful group that is very flexible and willing to meet moms and babies where they are. I co-slept till about a year with both kids, at which time they stopped being able to fall/stay asleep if I was in the bed with them, so we transitioned to their own beds. I struggle to find ways to set limits with my son that don't feel punitive, but every day is an exercise in finding a new approach that will work. Novelty seems to be the only thing that is effective. Sometimes I need time outs just to give everyone a chance to calm down and prevent Pajama Monster from hitting anyone or breaking anything.
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